Thursday, January 22, 2009

Faces of Second Life

Last April, on my way back to California, I stopped at the Atlanta Airport. On the walls of one of the terminals, I saw a collection of photographs of people’s faces. The photos were on a black background behind a glass wall. The exhibit was probably two meters high and extended probably seven meters in width, may be more – I don’t remember very well. There were no high contrasts between the faces; there was a smooth flow of skin tones and hair colors. If I remember correctly there were light blond, strawberry blond, light brown, dark brown, and black. The photos were organized in columns of three (or may be four; I should have taken a picture). I was impressed with the exhibit, and decided that I would do the same, but with Second Life faces.

When I started this work, I first asked my friends, but my list is not that long. The nice thing is that some of my friends asked their friends, and their friends asked other friends. At one point, I even had expectators at my studio; it was a lot of fun. I am not nearly done with the pictures; I would like to reach 100 avatar faces, but here are some of the photos that I have taken so far. When I have reached my goal of 100 avatars I hope to present a wall-to-wall exhibit of all the faces.

I almost forgot to mention that the pictures are placed in alphabetical order, but because I can’t wait until I have 100 to start the composition I decided the do them in batches, which means each batch is in alphabetical order.

FOSL Batch 01: Alexx Markova, Ambi Bimbogami, Bunny Brickworks, CT Xue, Darvius Axelrad, and Jessikiti Nikitin
FOSL Batch 02: Amparia Ecksol, DC Hogfather, Elora Lungu, FluffyHannahWoo Avro, Frickre Fraker, and Imso Obscure

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